Ciao to Ciao to Chow

Hey, y’all! (Yes, six months later I am still talking in a Southern accent even though I live in the Midwest.) I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be saying goodbye to ciao to chow. Well, saying ciao to chow to chow, if we want to stick to that crazy Italian thang!

While I love blogging and have enjoyed writing posts the past six months that show off my great sense of humor and quick wit (bahahaha) share with you the stories and people that make my life the wonderful thing that it is, I’ve decided that — in order to truly live the best life I can this summer — I want to have time to experience all of the things the East Coast has to offer (on a STRICT budget, of course!). All on top of work and a family vacation.

I hope you all (whoever you are) have enjoyed reading this. My wish was for my audience to not only see photographs of my journey throughout Italy, but to…in a way…experience it with me. You all were great vacation buddies 🙂

Thanks again — ciao for now!

About ciaotochow

ciao to chow: initially created as a little spot on the web devoted to the "chow" I find while studying abroad in Rome. But really, ciao to chow is about my life: the day-to-day experiences, funny stories, moments of laughter, and the food...that continue to inspire me and make me grateful for each new day.
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9 Responses to Ciao to Ciao to Chow

  1. dad says:

    Thank’s for sharing your memories and experiences with us! I’ll miss the posts…love dod

  2. LinnE says:

    You did such an AMAZING job with this blog and I loved everything about it. So proud of you. Have fun this summer, get rowdy with the big O. Love you girl.

  3. sad to hear, but have fun! I encourage you 100% to fully enjoy your summer!

  4. MareMare says:

    Anna, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED each post, and I will miss them so much! Thanks for sharing your journey. Yet, I get it — great call for now. Enjoy the summer! Talk soon, xxxooo

  5. Kenz says:

    i just kinda cried a bit:( ahh LOVED your posts! miss youuuu.

  6. Candace says:

    My first time commenting is on your last post. 😦 I took a break from reading, so I could concentrate on my classes. I’m sad that it has ended, but I really enjoyed all your posts and photos. Have a great summer!

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